Thursday, June 2, 2011

Should I change careers?

I am a certified high school math teacher and have recently come to the conclusion that I might want to change careers. I have been teaching for a year now and am starting to question my dedication towards teaching. I love teaching, but the extra's are starting to wear me down and the hours are not only taking it's toll on me, but it's also hurting my personal life. I have started to look into alternative careers and one that has caught my eye was becoming a mathematics textbook editor. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to start a career in this field? I also was wondering if any other teachers have felt like this before and any advice they can give me. Did you change careers? If so, what type of career did you turn to? Also, any suggestions towards alternative careers would be most helpful too. I have a BA in mathematics with teacher certification. Thanks for taking the time and replying!Should I change careers?
I am assuming this is your second year teaching, am I correct? I am in my third year right now and I will tell you from experience your second year starts off just as draining as the first, but overall tends to be a much better year. My third year is even better than the second! My advice would be to finish out this school year. While you are finishing this school year ask yourself these questions:

*Do you want to leave teaching because you do not enjoy it, or because of all the %26quot;extra%26quot; work?

*If you changed school districts do you think your view on teaching would change? If this is the case you may want to try a second school district before leaving the field.

*Are you taking on any addational responsibilites (clubs, sports, etc...)? If so, you may want to try to get another teacher to help you out.

*Are you currently taking classes? If so, can you work on your program or transfer to a program that meets only on weekends or during the summer?

*What are you doing for yourself? If your answer is nothing, change that!

*Are you eating right and getting some physical actvity?

*Why did you want to teach?

*What have been some of the positive/rewarding parts of your job so far? (It is hard to only look at the negative, try finding some positive too!)

During my first year I started to get into the path of school all day and then correcting and planning all night and weekend long. I eventually changed that since it was taking a hugh toll and wore me down. Now I do not allow myself to spend more than 3 hours on work a day, and do not allow myself to do ANY work on Friday night or at all on Saturday. Those are day for me. Does that mean I may not get to assign and then personally grade as many papers as I would like, yes! The students are instead getting a teacher who is well rested (and not bitter since instead of going out with friends spent the entire weekend doing work). So far this year I have fit in more graded assignments than last year since time management and planning improves every year.

If you decide to leave teaching textbook publishers are always looking for people who have actual teaching experience. I would start putting together a portfolio of examples of worksheets you have created. Also, get to know the different textbook companies. Which books are ones you would like to use in class? Those companies are where you would like to work. In case you want to just try it a little before you fully commit I've previously noticed many temporary textbook jobs listed on craigslist in both Boston, Chicago and Texas.

Other jobs to think about: Tutoring at such companies as Sylvan or Kaplan.

Good luck!Should I change careers?
yesShould I change careers?
Annie had a ton of good advise. I taught voc. ed. on MA for 2 yrs before grant $ ran out. It was the best job I ever had. F Forward12 yrs...went back to college then got a job teaching Earth Science at a Jr. High. Without a doubt the very worst year of my entire life, so bad that the possibility of 100% improvement the following year couldn't bring me back for a second year. I had severe angziety, lost weight, couldn't sleep. I didn't know what was worse staying or the shame of qitting so I stayed the year.

Went back to doing my carpentry with zero stress. Then found job to teach carpentry %26amp; shop at a private residential treatment facility for Jr. High %26amp; High Schol males with ED/BD issues. Took the job, had a rocky first 6 months with the testing of me by such students but had GREAT co-workers and GREATER supervisors and I really like this population...they don't sugar coat anything. Now I lok forward to going to work every morning. Help the guys with talking about their issues, family problems, we laugh %26amp; joke, work hard, learn %26amp; grow, I LOVE MY JOB!

If you have the passion to teach and reach kids, Please give it another year or try some other school, it may make all the diference. I now believe I have not just a job but a vocation, and it tok me a while to find my niche.

God bless you!Should I change careers?
Maybe go back to school? Get a graduate degree and start teaching math at a local university or community college?

At a post-secondary institution there's significantly less 'extras' at least in the respect that you're dealing adults and not minors.

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