Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to explain career change in an interview?

Say if someone decided to change their careers ?completely unrelated to one another ?and went back to University to get appropriate qualifications.

How can this situation be explained to the interviewer? They can be really tough and view the person in question as unreliable. Has anyone changed their careers? How did you explain the change to the interviewers? Feel free to share your experiences. Anyone is welcome to answer.How to explain career change in an interview?
Its tough, they may or may not have this view, likely they will, their job is to hire someone to make them money, bar none. I recommend honesty, if you lie or stretch the truth, someone trained to interview can usually pick it up. At the least, they will know that you are dealing with a straight shooter. I've told interviewer straight up, I needed more money, or I felt used and abused with no way out or up. You can go the whole passion rote, but they will probably see that as you being either selfish, or flighty: you get bored quick and have the kahunas to change. Either way, its bad.How to explain career change in an interview?
That can be a tough area to navigate but I would just be honest and tell the truth (as long as it sounds good). For example, I would say that you are heading in a new direction and feel your talents may be more valuable in the new field. Try to avoid saying that you got tired of doing that job or anything like that. That tells them that you are not dedicated. Good luck!How to explain career change in an interview?
Be honest and open to all questions. Make your statement as short as possible and to the point.

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